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They get the answer to your email
On this side we explain the function mode of our online Shops to you and answer further questions approximately around If your question were not answered regarding our InterNet side by these assistance sides, enter to the names, the E-Mail and your question here on the left of and click you on sending.
In order to be able to work on your question fast and uncomplicated, we ask you a short description of your problems, with all date due to it e.g. Operating system (version), Browser(version) and the processor type. Thus you an answer gotten a valid E-Mail address in necessary (into a E-Mail address does not begun with “www”).
Assistance for ordering and for the operation of the Online Shop
TELEFON: 05251-288190
(Montag-Freitag von 10:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr)
Order process
How can I order? (short description)
1) Desired products select and by click on [picture] in the goods basket lay
2) Into [ goods basket ] order goes review and poss. Number change
* should you goods basket empty its activate you Javascript
3) Click afterwards on [ordering]
4) Now you are called on to give your [Login] * and [passport Word] *
if you still no customer with us are, please, choose [I am a new customer] and you obey further instructions.
5) After the formalities, please, choose them [payment way] and click on [other]
6) Now they are called on to check the order the last time and to click on [ordering].
* [Login] = (theirs have braged email you with the registration)
* [Passport Word] = (her keyword you have braged with the registration)
If you have probleme, check on account of with you Cookies are activated.
Like one this aktivert you get to know farther below.

Why my goods basket is empty?
1) Auf keinen fall AOL Browser benutzen! Every Windows O/S have a Internet Explorer, please use this.
2) Most mistakes enstehen by wrong settings in your browser. If you must have a browser of AOL or t-online you there in settings JavaScript activate or you burden themselves the Internet Explorer of Microsoft here under it and carry out a few settings which you can read up farther below.

Right of return
Can I return ordered product also again to GmbH?
You can read up all right-hand side and duties gladly with us in the AGB's.

Where can I see whether is a product in store?
They see on available symbol of a product in store. We try to have of course all articles offered from us on stock. To guarantee the delivery time 48 hours*.

Delivery costs
How high are the forwarding expenses?
Forwarding expenses by delivery within Germany is 4,90 Euro (Delivery service DPD).
with cash on delivery orders the postage arrives in each case.
Shipping for free from 50,- Euro ordersum only in Germany. (all product, except: Sat-Technik, Jewelery, Grill & Camp)

Delivery into other countries takes place only by precash.
Delivery costs into other countries for Europe 20,- Euro, Worldwide 30,- Euro.

Forwarding expenses
Delivery in the foreign country occurs exclusively via Precash. The delivery occurs in the course of the day from 8:00 to 17:00 o'clock and becomes a personal to the customer, or a person considers in the same household, expenditure-handle. With do not reach of the customer a notification will leave from the UPS in form of a yellow letter with information when the broadcasting this sewed sometimes can be delivered. All together becomes during 3 days from the UPS. If the broadcasting tries to deliver personal to the customer, it should go for no handing over in the given time will come this broadcasting back to us smartly where we to us with you will get in touch around the affair to clear.

*48 hours = (counts only in working days and only Germany)


Technical questions to the Online Shop (under Windows)
TELEFON: 05251-288190
(Montag-Freitag von 10:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr)

Setting of the screen resolution:

The best possible screen resolution for the online shop amounts 1280x1024 pixel, but also with a resolution from 1024x768 pixel you will have a good view of all our areas. If you might change, nevertheless, your resolution, obey step by step the following instructions:
1) Click with the right mouse key on your desktop background =>
(Desktop is the screen surface if you no windows have opened)
2) a menu rises and you click on [Einstellungen] =>
3) it opens to itself a window [Eigenschaften von Anzeige] =>
4) click now on the upper flap [Einstellungen] =>
there you can put to screen resolution while them the regulator after left or go on the right.

Javascript / Cookies activate with the Internet Explorer
Why does the on-line shop not function properly and why do I not get everything indicated?
The settings are different according to Windows operating system, the following example is directed after Windows XP:
1) open Internet Explorer and, please, choose on top in the set meal [extra],
click afterwards on [Internet Optionen]
2) click now on the upper flap [Sicherheit], under it there is a badge [Stufe anpassen ...] on click
3) it opens another window [Sicherheitseinstellungen] to itself
4) scrollen you come under it to you to the entry [Scripting]
5) there are 3 differently entries with jeweil 3 options (choose with all 3 [Aktiviren])
6) afterwards click on [OK] and then (take over) and again [OK]
congratulations you have activated Javascript and now can use without problems all Javascript functions to our online shops.
To activate now Cookies, please, obey the following instructions:
1) open Internet Explorer and, please, choose on top in the set meal [extra], click afterwards on [Internet optionen]
2) click now on the upper flap [Datenschutz], under it there is a badge [Erweitert] on you click
3) it opens another window [Erweiterte Datenschutzeinstllungen] to itself
4) it may rise no little minced meat in the entry [Automatische Cookiebehandlung aufheben] consider if this is hacked, however you do this out in you there on it click and obey the instructions
5) afterwards click on [OK] and then (take over) and again [OK] Now the Cookies has activated you also successfully and can use freely from problems in our on-line shop all our services.

How updates / I extinguish the Cache?
The status of delivery of the articles andert itself not, or the goods basket is always empty, or the Menuleiste refers on the left to the wrong sides: The Cache of your browser, your Firewall or Proxyservers was not updated. The browser writes the side to files in his Cache around with the next access fastest to be able to explain. Besides, it can happen that the Cache updates itself not with the new data, but maintain the old ones.
Cache update:
Refresh / modernisations - badge print or press in the Internet Explorer window the key [F5]
Cache empty:
Internet Explorer:
Of extra - Internet options:
In general - files extinguish - empty course - Internet Explorer close
Netscape navigator:
Treatments - Internet options - category: navigator - files extinguish - empty course - close netscape


Other questions
TELEFON: 05251-288190
(Montag-Freitag von 10:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr)
Complaint treatment
- I have a defective product. What now?
- I have zuruckgegeben/sent a defective product. What is with it?
- How can I get an installation of my offenen complaints?
Open bills
- How can I get an installation of my open bills?

With further questions you call us by telephone.


Number of Articles: 0
Sum total: 0.00 EUR
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